Metsä Board has garnered a new recognition for its design of fruit-shaped boxes (corresponding to the flavor of tea inside: baked banana, melon sorbet, Turkish apple and peach) for T2’s line of fruit teas The Grand Most Exotic Bazaar. The design earned first place in the category “Limited Edition” at the Dieline Awards 2017.
The design is printed on the reverse side of MetsäBoard Pro FBB Bright 250 g fresh fiber paperboard. The uncoated side was deliberately selected to echo the natural feel of the fruit and to give a softer texture to the boxes while still reproducing vivid graphics. The stiff and durable structure of MetsäBoard Pro FBB Bright enabled the design team to create a glue-less packaging structure through clever creasing and folding of the material. The packaging also holds up well in transport and on the shelf.