IMA’s MAX project wins in Communication

On 9 March, in the splendid setting of BMW Welt in Munich, IMA (machines for the processing and packaging) received the prestigious recognition in Communication category thanks to the MAX project, in partnership with NiEW Design.
MAX aims to redesign the user interfaces for the control of the Group’s production lines, by creating a new interactive language to apply the principles of user experience to a system of industrial automation, with a view to 4.0.
The project began in 2015 and is still continuing as part of the IMA Digital development programme through which IMA is designing the “intelligent machines” of the future, when man will want more and more to interact consciously with the technology.
MAX has been developed by applying the “User Centred Design” approach in full, starting from an analysis of data collected in live user situations on an international scale in a way that is functional to the current and potential needs of those working within production processes (line operators, maintenance engineers, fitters, plant supervisors, laboratory researchers, etc.).
IMA’s Research and Innovation, under the direction of Dario Rea, coordinated the MAX project with the suitably structured team led by Paolo Triossi, (Automation & Software), Davide Bosi (UX Designer), and promoted by Daniele Vacchi, (Corporate Communications Director).

* The iF Design Award is the prize that Industrie Forum has been assigning since the 1950s to the most innovative industrial design projects at international level.

Disposal of special waste costs less with Evergreen

After eliminating formaldehyde from its water-based formulations, the Renner Italia paint manufacturer has undertaken another interesting environmental initiative by packaging its Aquaris branded products into innovative Evergreen tins, thus dramatically reducing special waste disposal (packaging dirtied with paint, in fact, is considered as special waste and must be disposed of as such).

Evergreen is a tinplate internally covered with a high density polyethylene sheet, a highly durable material that adheres perfectly to the body and bottom of the container.
Once the paint or varnish in the tin has been used up, the polyethylene sheet dirtied with paint is removed and disposed of, making the metal part of the packaging recyclable as such. And since the dirty PE sheet weighs just over a tenth of a tinplate can, disposal costs are reduced by 85%. (